Madam Halimah Yacob speaking to the media at a press conference announcing her campaign and team for the 2017 Presidential Election.
SINGAPORE: Presidential hopeful Halimah Yacob on Tuesday (Aug 29) unveiled her campaign slogan and introduced the members of her campaign team.
The former Speaker of Parliament, who stepped down earlier this month to contest the Presidential Election, said at a press conference held at the NTUC Centre that her campaign slogan is “Do Good, Do Together”.
"It allows us together as one people to come together and do what is good for the community and the country – I think that is the most important part of it," she said of her slogan.
"We 'do good, do together' regardless of race, language or religion, and we come together to make Singapore a home we can all be proud of."

Presidential hopeful Halimah Yacob unveiled her campaign at a press conference on Aug 29.
Mdm Halimah also introduced key members of her campaign team - "good friends" who volunteered to help, she said. They include Sheng Siong’s chief executive Lim Hock Chee, Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) Chia Yong Yong, former NMP Mary Liew and Singapore Institute of International Affairs chairman Simon Tay.
More at Channel News Asia
哈你妈's campaign slogan: "do good do together."
So jiak sai jiak together as well?
"I hope to be the kind of President that Singaporeans want, and look up to."
Sorry you are not the kind of president I want, and look up to you? PLEASE, you are just another henchman of the pimps and prostitutes party. DREAM ON.