Ivan Lim spotted by public members alongside Tharman at Jurong outreach; sparking rumours that he will be fielded at next GE
SINGAPORE: Former People’s Action Party (PAP) prospective candidate Ivan Lim was recently spotted alongside Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam at an outreach activity, sparking rumours that he may contest the next election despite the public backlash that saw him get dropped by the ruling party mere days after he was introduced.
Mr Lim was introduced as a member of Mr Tharman’s team contesting Jurong Group Representation Constituency (GRC) ahead of the 2020 general election and was expected to coast into Parliament, as Mr Tharman typically receives the best result across all wards no matter who is in his team.
But just four days after his introduction, Mr Lim was withdrawn as a candidate after public members raised allegations of his past conduct online, sparking a significant public outcry over the PAP’s candidate selection process.
The allegations against Mr Lim were mainly centred around his behaviour and management style during his time as a senior executive in Keppel Offshore and Marine.
Several online comments from anonymous individuals alleged that Mr Lim was arrogant, elitist, and tended to belittle subordinates. Some also accused him of being unable to relate well with ordinary Singaporeans.
As public disappointment and anger mounted, the PAP’s secretary-general, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that his party has a “thorough” candidate selection process but acknowledged that “no process is perfect, no candidate is perfect.”
Apologising for any mistakes made during the selection process, he added that the PAP would take steps to address the issue and would strive to do better in the future. Meanwhile, Mr Lim’s spot was given to Xie Yao Quan, the cousin of Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.
But despite being dropped days before Nomination Day, Mr Lim was spotted beside Mr Tharman among the team that won Jurong GRC as the Senior Minister delivered his victory speech. His presence baffled Singaporeans, and online forums was flooded with questions as to what role Mr Lim would play within the Jurong GRC team.
Mr Tharman responded to the questions on social media and clarified that Mr Lim was “naturally not part of the team of MPs.” He, however, said he wanted to acknowledge Mr Lim’s contributions on the ground and allow him to thank residents alongside the elected MPs.
He added, “I felt it was right, and hope you understand my approach on such matters.”
It appears that Mr Lim remains a part of Mr Tharman’s group of volunteers for Jurong GRC. He was spotted beside the Minister at a community outreach activity organised by the ruling party MPs, in photos posted online by his replacement Mr Xie.
The photos have triggered speculation that Mr Lim may return as a part of the team for Jurong GRC at the next election, which may take place as early as mid-2024.
We haven't forgotten about you Ivan, not at all. Whichever GRC you plan to piggyback on for your supposed free ride into parliament, rest assured we will vote the whole damn contesting team out. Oh yes, you can count on it.
Perhaps the mods should make this thread a sticky to remind folks to steer clear of Ivan the terrible at the next GE if he actually does decide to run for MP. #NOTOIVANLIM
@Gustavo FringYou are absolutely right in saying Ivan Lim is a piece of trash. Therefore he has been duly thrown into a recycling machine, though I am unsure if it's this particular one.
[SATIRE] PAP fields replacement candidate Ivana Lim
Singaporeans from all walks of life, who know an asshole when they come across one, have stopped in their tracks as they smell a rat.
This after the new PAP candidate Ivan Lim withdrew from this General Election after many people from all walks of life reckoned he is an asshole in real life and not an angel in white who has been sent by the late Lee Kuan Yew (may god bless him) to save Singaporeans.
In his place, PAP will be fielding a replacement, Ivana Lim.
One Singaporean, Hu Lee Jin, said: “When a single person says you are an asshole, it is easy to refute. When one dozen or more say you are an asshole, it is definitely gone case.”
“I can sense this Ivana Lim is cut from the same cloth as Ivan Lim.”
“Somehow I feel like I’ve seen her somewhere before.”
“Feels like I’m getting hoodwinked.”
Other locals said they recognise Ivana Lim, but cannot put a finger on where they have seen her before.
Another local, Zhen Mian Shan, said: “I feel like Ivana Lim was my camp mate, but that cannot be right, because women in Singapore don’t have to serve National Service or do reservist.”
“That other time I went to the shipyard and saw this fellow who looked like Ivana Lim but that cannot be right because shipyards are male-dominated workplaces.”
“I hope Masagos has inspected her background thoroughly.”
At press time, the GE poster printing factory is working overtime to add an extra “a” on election candidate materials that have already been printed.
Ivan Lim resigned - I'm sure all the people who hounded him are very happy now. It's probably the most meaningful thing that happened in their lives.
Politics in Singapore may not be gutter-like - as I mentioned before. That's why I consider Singaporean politicians to be the world's elite. In fact, the standards of conduct in politics are so high in Singapore that even the most serious opposition party and its people have good sense not to descend to mud-slinging or cheap populism (only the really desperate ones do).
Sadly the same cannot be said of the media - both the mainstream media and the social media.
Now, as I wrote in the other post, I considered the campaign against the guy to be hilarious, ridiculous, grotesque, carried out by envious nobodies who wanted to feel like they mean anything by bullying a guy they don't like into submission, because he didn't smile back or he was mean to them 15 years ago.
This isn't a new phenomenon of course - it's the same mentality that drives the protests in America today, motivating people to loot, destroy, tear statues down and make loud demands of everybody else. And if you fail to comply then they will try to hound you, cancel you, get you fired, destroy you and sentence you to death in the court of public opinion.
Of course nobody is looting or destroying things in Singapore yet - but, all things considered, the underlying drive is the same. Whether it's not going to happen at all or whether it's merely a lag behind a place like the US we're only to see. Given that there are "activists" here hard at work to get hundreds of thousands of people to the streets one day, it doesn't seem implausible.
Now, that someone is a whiner who had to vent about his old time bully or whatever, is not a big deal for me. People are barking at the moon all the time - let them.
But there was also one big lie peddled about the guy by two bit characters who were clearly out for blood at all costs.
Being employed by Keppel he was smeared with allegations of being linked to the corruption scandal in Brazil - what he rebuffed denying he was involved in Brazilian projects at all.
Someone, however, has pulled up a quote from a Keppel magazine from 2018 where he talks how he was entrusted, in 2007, the management of a project for a FPSO vessel Espirito Santo - which, indeed, was meant to operate in the Espirito Santo basin, off the coast of Brazil.
Of course garbage anti-establishment propaganda pages like Wake Up, Singapore picked up this to peddle the false accusation - which was quickly and uncritically accepted by hundreds if not thousands of people by now who shared it onward - yet too lazy to ever check the facts and the narrative they were being fed.
They didn't, because they don't want their twisted worldview to be dispelled.
Sadly, even the mainstream Mothership.sg has shared the story without doing due diligence or holding back to get somebody who has some reading comprehension to see what's in it.
So, was Ivan Lim involved in the "Brazilian projects"?
No, he was not - certainly not in this project. That the ship was called Espirito Santo and was headed for Brazil never meant it was for a Brazilian client. The recipient of the vessel was SBM Offshore, a Dutch company, which actually co-owns it with MISC - a Malaysian shipping operator. Yes, it operates in Brazilian oil basins - for Shell.
The Keppel corruption scandal involved deals that were done directly with Petrobras and Sete Brasil, which included Keppel Offshore & Marine USA and Keppel FELS Brasil shipyard.
These projects were done directly with Brazilian counterparts, on Brazilian soil, involving Keppel's Brazilian operations and Brazilian representatives who then did shady deals with Brazilian politicians.
So, no, a Singaporean based in Singapore, working for the Singaporean business on a vessel for a Dutch/Malaysian joint-venture that leased the ship to another Dutch company which simply needed it for its operations in Brazil - was not involved in whatever scandals Keppel had gottten itself into.
But those clicks are not going to click themselves, right Mothership? Ad revenue doesn't come from nowhere, after all. Besides that, even if you later have to clarify it's another story - so even more clicks!
That thousands of people are so lazy, dumb, envious and ignorant to peddle rubbish found on the internet isn't all that disturbing these days anymore. But that they're not corrected by the people whose effin' job should be to report things accurately is a real problem - because the ENTIRE democratic system is founded on the accuracy of the information people receive, not the shock factor. If they are misinformed they will be inclined to make worse decisions at the ballot and ultimately run the country - any country - into the ground.
But journalists are no longer providing information - they're entertainers. They're here to amuse you, get you to click on their half-baked content and then accidentally click on some ads or even buy something from their affiliate deal - that's it. And, of course, share it far and wide so they can get more clicks and more moolah. They don't give a damn about the social or political consequences of that.
Hey Rice Media - are you going to play clever and funny now? Come on, write another thing about "character assassination"! Such a perfect opportunity! Ah, but this time you can't stick it to the incumbents so you're going to dig your heads in the sand and not let out a peep I'm sure. When someone is lynched by the very mob you depend for on clicks you can't push against it. You know how your bread is buttered, don't you?
But there is a silver lining to this revolting display of ignorant mob mentality, cancel culture, public lynching and incompetence of the media reporting it - surely now nobody mentally sane can accuse the incumbents in Singapore of authoritarianism.
It took a few days of hounding a new candidate for him to be pulled. Surely anybody who talks about "dictatorship" here has lost all arguments - because what sort of a dictator backs down like this, right? In North Korea or China many would disappear or be otherwise silenced from assaulting a party candidate. In Singapore the candidate stepped down.
You know who the real authoritarians are?
Those who take foreign money to circumvent the democratic process to push their sociopolitical agenda without public mandate. Those who try to rewrite the country's history and suck up to neighbors running a quasi-apartheid state across the northern border. Those who deny Singapore the right to defend itself from infringements on its sovereignty and dismiss its long efforts in building up its defensive capabilities, taking sides with the oppressors instead. Those who denigrate Singaporean identity and even its national anthem.
All those who cry wolf whenever you rebuff them and then proceed to destroy, cancel, ostracize and marginalize any and every opponent, even if it means dragging out some ridiculous garbage from 20 years ago and sentencing him in the court of public opinion with no right to reasonable defense. Or, you know, writing a 10-page whiny letter to the guy's employer - that kind of a thing.
That's how all dictators imposed their order - destroying rivals by all means necessary. But be careful what you wish for. Your turn may come one day too.
PAP candidate Ivan Lim will no longer contest in GE
People's Action Party new candidate Ivan Lim will no longer contest in the general election, Chinese-language daily Lianhe Zaobao has reported. The party has accepted his decision.
Earlier today, he had attempted to address the criticisms levelled at him online, saying he was "determined to stay the course and to serve" if elected at the general election.
Among other things, the general manager (specialised vessels)at Keppel Offshore & Marine was accused of being involved in the company's bribery case in Brazil, which he earlier said was "completely baseless and untrue", and of mistreating his subordinates when he held a command position in the army.
Don't forget Kumar yo, who alleges Ivan Lim ill-treated Keppel shipyard workers and apparently has a letter he previously sent to Lim Xia Suay as proof.
Ivan Lim Shaw Chuan is truly a supreme lan jiao lang
He's back, AGAIN.....
Ivan Lim at a Jurong East Senior Citizen’s Appreciation Dinner, along with MP Mr Xie Yao Quan
Ivan Lim humji liao, disables commenting on his FB page!
Guess who's back.....
Ivan Lim spotted by public members alongside Tharman at Jurong outreach; sparking rumours that he will be fielded at next GE
SINGAPORE: Former People’s Action Party (PAP) prospective candidate Ivan Lim was recently spotted alongside Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam at an outreach activity, sparking rumours that he may contest the next election despite the public backlash that saw him get dropped by the ruling party mere days after he was introduced.
Mr Lim was introduced as a member of Mr Tharman’s team contesting Jurong Group Representation Constituency (GRC) ahead of the 2020 general election and was expected to coast into Parliament, as Mr Tharman typically receives the best result across all wards no matter who is in his team.
But just four days after his introduction, Mr Lim was withdrawn as a candidate after public members raised allegations of his past conduct online, sparking a significant public outcry over the PAP’s candidate selection process.
The allegations against Mr Lim were mainly centred around his behaviour and management style during his time as a senior executive in Keppel Offshore and Marine.
Several online comments from anonymous individuals alleged that Mr Lim was arrogant, elitist, and tended to belittle subordinates. Some also accused him of being unable to relate well with ordinary Singaporeans.
As public disappointment and anger mounted, the PAP’s secretary-general, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said that his party has a “thorough” candidate selection process but acknowledged that “no process is perfect, no candidate is perfect.”
Apologising for any mistakes made during the selection process, he added that the PAP would take steps to address the issue and would strive to do better in the future. Meanwhile, Mr Lim’s spot was given to Xie Yao Quan, the cousin of Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.
But despite being dropped days before Nomination Day, Mr Lim was spotted beside Mr Tharman among the team that won Jurong GRC as the Senior Minister delivered his victory speech. His presence baffled Singaporeans, and online forums was flooded with questions as to what role Mr Lim would play within the Jurong GRC team.
Mr Tharman responded to the questions on social media and clarified that Mr Lim was “naturally not part of the team of MPs.” He, however, said he wanted to acknowledge Mr Lim’s contributions on the ground and allow him to thank residents alongside the elected MPs.
He added, “I felt it was right, and hope you understand my approach on such matters.”
It appears that Mr Lim remains a part of Mr Tharman’s group of volunteers for Jurong GRC. He was spotted beside the Minister at a community outreach activity organised by the ruling party MPs, in photos posted online by his replacement Mr Xie.
The photos have triggered speculation that Mr Lim may return as a part of the team for Jurong GRC at the next election, which may take place as early as mid-2024.
It's coming to 2 years, yet still no news whatsoever from the PAP regarding this piece of trash. What the fuck is going on?????
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!
Any Resemblance to Actual Persons, Living or Dead, is Purely Coincidental.
Wah Stroke Heng says he will 处理 Ivan Lim's case after the general elections.....what does he mean by that?
Sometime in the foreseeable future........
Heng ah Ivan lost his grip on Tharman's pants and plummeted back into nothingness.
Ivan Lim resigned - I'm sure all the people who hounded him are very happy now. It's probably the most meaningful thing that happened in their lives.
Politics in Singapore may not be gutter-like - as I mentioned before. That's why I consider Singaporean politicians to be the world's elite. In fact, the standards of conduct in politics are so high in Singapore that even the most serious opposition party and its people have good sense not to descend to mud-slinging or cheap populism (only the really desperate ones do).
Sadly the same cannot be said of the media - both the mainstream media and the social media.
Now, as I wrote in the other post, I considered the campaign against the guy to be hilarious, ridiculous, grotesque, carried out by envious nobodies who wanted to feel like they mean anything by bullying a guy they don't like into submission, because he didn't smile back or he was mean to them 15 years ago.
This isn't a new phenomenon of course - it's the same mentality that drives the protests in America today, motivating people to loot, destroy, tear statues down and make loud demands of everybody else. And if you fail to comply then they will try to hound you, cancel you, get you fired, destroy you and sentence you to death in the court of public opinion.
Of course nobody is looting or destroying things in Singapore yet - but, all things considered, the underlying drive is the same. Whether it's not going to happen at all or whether it's merely a lag behind a place like the US we're only to see. Given that there are "activists" here hard at work to get hundreds of thousands of people to the streets one day, it doesn't seem implausible.
Now, that someone is a whiner who had to vent about his old time bully or whatever, is not a big deal for me. People are barking at the moon all the time - let them.
But there was also one big lie peddled about the guy by two bit characters who were clearly out for blood at all costs.
Being employed by Keppel he was smeared with allegations of being linked to the corruption scandal in Brazil - what he rebuffed denying he was involved in Brazilian projects at all.
Someone, however, has pulled up a quote from a Keppel magazine from 2018 where he talks how he was entrusted, in 2007, the management of a project for a FPSO vessel Espirito Santo - which, indeed, was meant to operate in the Espirito Santo basin, off the coast of Brazil.
Of course garbage anti-establishment propaganda pages like Wake Up, Singapore picked up this to peddle the false accusation - which was quickly and uncritically accepted by hundreds if not thousands of people by now who shared it onward - yet too lazy to ever check the facts and the narrative they were being fed.
They didn't, because they don't want their twisted worldview to be dispelled.
Sadly, even the mainstream Mothership.sg has shared the story without doing due diligence or holding back to get somebody who has some reading comprehension to see what's in it.
So, was Ivan Lim involved in the "Brazilian projects"?
No, he was not - certainly not in this project. That the ship was called Espirito Santo and was headed for Brazil never meant it was for a Brazilian client. The recipient of the vessel was SBM Offshore, a Dutch company, which actually co-owns it with MISC - a Malaysian shipping operator. Yes, it operates in Brazilian oil basins - for Shell.
The Keppel corruption scandal involved deals that were done directly with Petrobras and Sete Brasil, which included Keppel Offshore & Marine USA and Keppel FELS Brasil shipyard.
These projects were done directly with Brazilian counterparts, on Brazilian soil, involving Keppel's Brazilian operations and Brazilian representatives who then did shady deals with Brazilian politicians.
So, no, a Singaporean based in Singapore, working for the Singaporean business on a vessel for a Dutch/Malaysian joint-venture that leased the ship to another Dutch company which simply needed it for its operations in Brazil - was not involved in whatever scandals Keppel had gottten itself into.
But those clicks are not going to click themselves, right Mothership? Ad revenue doesn't come from nowhere, after all. Besides that, even if you later have to clarify it's another story - so even more clicks!
That thousands of people are so lazy, dumb, envious and ignorant to peddle rubbish found on the internet isn't all that disturbing these days anymore. But that they're not corrected by the people whose effin' job should be to report things accurately is a real problem - because the ENTIRE democratic system is founded on the accuracy of the information people receive, not the shock factor. If they are misinformed they will be inclined to make worse decisions at the ballot and ultimately run the country - any country - into the ground.
But journalists are no longer providing information - they're entertainers. They're here to amuse you, get you to click on their half-baked content and then accidentally click on some ads or even buy something from their affiliate deal - that's it. And, of course, share it far and wide so they can get more clicks and more moolah. They don't give a damn about the social or political consequences of that.
Hey Rice Media - are you going to play clever and funny now? Come on, write another thing about "character assassination"! Such a perfect opportunity! Ah, but this time you can't stick it to the incumbents so you're going to dig your heads in the sand and not let out a peep I'm sure. When someone is lynched by the very mob you depend for on clicks you can't push against it. You know how your bread is buttered, don't you?
But there is a silver lining to this revolting display of ignorant mob mentality, cancel culture, public lynching and incompetence of the media reporting it - surely now nobody mentally sane can accuse the incumbents in Singapore of authoritarianism.
It took a few days of hounding a new candidate for him to be pulled. Surely anybody who talks about "dictatorship" here has lost all arguments - because what sort of a dictator backs down like this, right? In North Korea or China many would disappear or be otherwise silenced from assaulting a party candidate. In Singapore the candidate stepped down.
You know who the real authoritarians are?
Those who take foreign money to circumvent the democratic process to push their sociopolitical agenda without public mandate. Those who try to rewrite the country's history and suck up to neighbors running a quasi-apartheid state across the northern border. Those who deny Singapore the right to defend itself from infringements on its sovereignty and dismiss its long efforts in building up its defensive capabilities, taking sides with the oppressors instead. Those who denigrate Singaporean identity and even its national anthem.
All those who cry wolf whenever you rebuff them and then proceed to destroy, cancel, ostracize and marginalize any and every opponent, even if it means dragging out some ridiculous garbage from 20 years ago and sentencing him in the court of public opinion with no right to reasonable defense. Or, you know, writing a 10-page whiny letter to the guy's employer - that kind of a thing.
That's how all dictators imposed their order - destroying rivals by all means necessary. But be careful what you wish for. Your turn may come one day too.
Ivan kenna pwned deep deep means limpei will have sweet dreams tonight. Thank you bro!
LMFAO he didn't even last 48 hours, how embarrassing.
REJOICE!!!!!! Ivan Lim Shaw Chuan has dropped out of GE2020 !!!!! 15K monthly parleement allowance also pok liao!!!!!
PAP candidate Ivan Lim will no longer contest in GE
People's Action Party new candidate Ivan Lim will no longer contest in the general election, Chinese-language daily Lianhe Zaobao has reported. The party has accepted his decision.
Earlier today, he had attempted to address the criticisms levelled at him online, saying he was "determined to stay the course and to serve" if elected at the general election.
Among other things, the general manager (specialised vessels)at Keppel Offshore & Marine was accused of being involved in the company's bribery case in Brazil, which he earlier said was "completely baseless and untrue", and of mistreating his subordinates when he held a command position in the army.
Don't forget Kumar yo, who alleges Ivan Lim ill-treated Keppel shipyard workers and apparently has a letter he previously sent to Lim Xia Suay as proof.
Give Bryant Wong a tiger for having such giant balls!
His original FB post that went viral:
Liar liar pants on fire!
Anyways, with regards to point no.3 in his press note, why did he keep completely silent about
those men who were charged after returning from the exercise?
Just throw this bugger under the bus already so everyone can move on.