SINGAPORE — An image of a tax refund email supposedly from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) is a scam, warned the authority on Monday (Dec 30).
The scam email is titled "Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore-Refund-Online-Confirmation", and has been circulating on WhatsApp, said IRAS in an advisory.
The message claims that the recipient is eligible for a tax refund, and then requests that the recipient click on a link to download a tax refund form and complete it to obtain the refund.
IRAS has advised the public to ignore the image, and not respond to or further circulate it.
Source: https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/tax-refund-email-circulating-whatsapp-scam-warns-iras
Authorities should hunt down the original motherfucker who circulated this phony notice and have his ass jailed.
k thanx bye.