to protect his million dollar salary. Yep its official. Someone should just kick this useless penang cow back to his hometown in Malaysia.
"It is the responsibility of management to set the right culture of professionalism and excellence. It begins from the top. And if there is poor culture, the CEO is responsible. You set the corporate culture."

Desmond QUACK speaks rather funny in shameless SMRT propaganda video:
Expect DSTA to be singled out for praise later because their hearts were in the right place. Oh the engineers volunteered btw, and weren't parachuted into the mess.
What good can 5 engineers do? Seriously stop the charade already, the public is thoroughly sickened and disappointed by the avalanche of bullshit that has accumulated thus far courtesy of cow and his cronies.
You forgot to append DSTA to the freakzaoid.
Five DSTA engineers to be attached to SMRT
Presenting Dr Khaw's...................freakish creation! :P
LOL where did TS get these photos with embedded thought bubbles from??? Keep them coming!
I wonder given Kuek's absolutely dismal track record at running SMRT, should a full scale audit of the SAF when he was CDF be conducted as well?
Khaw's possible response to Desmond?
Colombo plan scholar Khaw Boon Wan sure showed his fine planning planning to get rid of Desmond The Quack. Sorry bro, every cow for itself. ;)
But he needs money to fund his pretty daughter's lavishly decadent lifestyle, so FAT HOPE haha.
Actually the very first step to cleaning up this whole mess starts with the unholy cow himself.
Big effing surprise this shameless son of a bitch would crucify others to ensure he remains safe beyond unfriendly fire. Then again that Desmond is also a bloody big quack himself, so he deserves no pity. When the chips are down, these folks start eating one another.
Not goondus, but just plain daft and too chicken to speak up.
Khaw should not assume Singaporeans are goondus, learn to think before talking cock la
Khaw seems intent to continue embarrassing himself in Parliament, and elsewhere. “4 key moments from Khaw Boon Wan’s turn in Parliament on SMRT flooding”
After Khaw had blamed CEO Kuek for the poor work culture, he turned around and claimed Kuek “has been working very hard to try to change work culture”. The Colombo Plan scholar seemed undecided if he should throw SAF scholar under the bus.
Khaw also wanted the public to believe that Desmond Kuek wasn’t parachuted in but volunteered for the CEO job after the former CEO Saw was sacked. But who wouldn’t want to ‘volunteer’ for a $2 million job where accountability issues could be easily swept under the rug? Even monkeys would want to volunteer, if only they knew how.
Again, Khaw could not help lavishing praise on himself:
Khaw seemed to have forgotten that whenever he had spoken too soon, major disruption would soon follow, as night follows day.
In his reply to a clarification by WP Low, Khaw deluded himself when he said “making money is not your [SMRT’s] objective“.
This, commuters know with certainty, is not true. If it were, CEO Saw would not have sacrificed maintenance nor concentrated resources to develop SMRT retail and advertising business. Non fare profit has also been increasing over the years – even after former paper-general Kuek took over.
Khaw should not assume Singaporeans are goondus. He should learn to think before talking cock the next time.
Taken from
I did indicate 2 weeks ago that cabinet had forced the 3 clowns to apologise. I also indicated that CEO would go.
The discreet search has begun and one of those approached is the previous American CEO of HK MTR.
The political capital has been damaged and surprises can no longer be tolerated. The previous CEO of LTA was removed when the HK press revealed the return of faulty carriages and the Minister was not notified.
The recently appointed Chairman has done his assessment and it is likely that professional qualified in rolling stock operations will be recruited for key management positions.
The fear is that no one qualified will touch this poisoned chalice and thus the secrecy. On identification of a willing candidate, the Chairman has been asked cover the CEO role.
I am sure not only Singaporeans but SMRT employees will welcome this overdue change.