Teo Ser Luck delivers political message to Singaporeans through the Seng Kang durian event saga?
In the past years, they have been using a proven, time tested to be a reliable durian supplier for the durian events.
Somehow some people must have thought there are areas which can be improved and that perhaps a new supplier could do even better than an already time tested proven supplier.
So they changed the supplier. And with huge promises of nice big durians at cheap price. Great promises! Who won't be tempted?
Well, what happened next is already all over the 晚报新明 and social media and as the saying goes, the rest is history.
What Teo Ser Luck is trying to do, self-sacrificingly, is to deliver a clear reminder to fellow Singaporeans that Change Is NOT Always A Good Thing.
You might get bored with a time tested proven formula and feeling edgy for a change just for the heck of it.
But are you prepared to risk what you have already got and become so comfortable with, that you know it always delivers, in exchange for a supplier that has no proven records?
It's a risk you take.
It might well turn out for the better, or otherwise. Either way, you must be willing to bear the consequences of your choice.
3 years ago this nincompoop already said"liu lian boh bao jiak".
$5 can get Mao Shan Wang?
TEO SIR FUCK now that's original.
LMFAO brutal bro, but 70% voted to be cheated by smelly, small durians-harsh truths.
Teo Sir Fuck deserves a medal for fucking his residents upside down and then walking away with the most "awsome" excuse ever.
A little advice for Mr TSL.