No Amount Of Experience Will Make A Bad Government A Good One
One of the greatest fallacies that the PAP and their IBs like to perpetuate is that the Opposition have no experience of government and that Singapore will fall apart should the PAP lose power. You have to be the biggest idiot to believe this propaganda.
Look at the picture below. It shows Lee Kuan Yew, Lim Chin Siong and other PAP leaders at a PAP Independence rally at Farrer Park in 1955, when the PAP was in opposition. Lee Kuan Yew became PM in 1959 without having held elected office for a single day in his life. Did Singapore fall apart?
Similarly, Tony Blair became PM of Great Britain in 1997 without ever having held elected office and went on to win 3 successive General Elections and becoming the longest serving Labour Prime Minister. Britain did not fall apart in his first term as PM.
Government is not rocket science. At the end of the day, government is really about putting a philosophy into action. As Thomas Jefferson once said- “ The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government “.
The problem with the PAP after 60 years in power, is that it’s philosophy has been reduced to the enrichment of the State at the expense of her citizens. Why would Singaporeans want to continue with a government that has taken away their freedom to use their own money the way they want ( CPF ) ? Or continue with a government that preaches meritocracy but installs a President who is obviously not the best of her class, and in the process disenfranchise the People. A government that has created the 2nd most unequal society in the world where the Prime Minister earns $183 333 a month while 40% of our workers earn $2500 or less in the same amount of time. And a government that is unable to create good jobs for its people and where the under 30s in our society form the largest group of unemployed.
Under this PAP government, transparency and accountability have become only buzz-words to be used as spin when in reality opacity is practised to the full, whether it is in the disclosure of remuneration of the top management of Temasek and GIC, or the true performance of these sovereign wealth funds, amongst many other examples. It is a government that does not trust its citizens. In short, the PAP has destroyed the happiness of our People and created misery.
For Peoples Voice, our philosophy of government is simple and very different. It is about Putting People First and Making Singapore Our Home Again.
We have an unrelenting faith in our fellow Singaporeans. We believe that Singaporeans must have the freedom to use their own money the way they want. We will never allow government to confiscate a person’s CPF. We believe that the potential of every Singaporean Citizen must be developed to the full, ahead of any other person, and that our Nation can only prosper and make further progress if the dormant genius of Singaporeans is unleashed and allowed to bloom. This means that government must get out of the way in our economy, and monopolies created by the GLCs dismantled.
Peoples Voice believes that Singapore must be an innovative and Creative Nation and that our citizens and not government must be the drivers of this society. We must have a society where passionate and qualified people are placed to lead and help their fellow men, and not a narrow privileged and elite group who think they are better and above the rest.
Jo-sex-fiend will import a lot more CECA-ians, and they will all vote for the PAP. Them monkeys in white shall therefore rule for an eternity.
Lim Tean will get to lim kopi with PAP soon if he continues blasting them without mercy.
Majority are afraid to rock the boat, I mean the sampan -what to do?
70% of Sinkies love getting fucked in the ass day in and day out.
Uh oh Lim Tean angry liao..........