Exceptionally desperate to boost inoculation rates so it could unabashedly pimp Singapore once more to all and sundry, this PAP government has resorted to an overtly underhanded strategy of discrimination based on vaccine status. Divide and conquer through engendering infighting amongst citizens, brilliant yet despicable. Well, I got news for you dear monkeys in white, your agenda shall fail miserably - because we have since realized you never cared whether we live or die; you would do whatever it takes just to flourish atop our bones.
When another of your inexplicably hurried, vacillating decisions to lift dining restrictions comes into effect next Tuesday, I shall take the first step of refusing to set foot inside restaurants. Rest assured I am not alone, for more than a dozen of my friends have pledged to do the same. And when word spreads, I have utmost faith many will follow suit to unequivocably demonstrate the fallibility of your judgement call.
Brilliant! How Russians Crushed Moscow’s Vaccine Passports in Just 3 Weeks
About 40 state legislatures are now following Governor Ron DeSantis’ lead in Florida by moving to ban vaccine passports. But some states and cities are already implementing vaccine passports – and it looks like the puppet-masters running the Biden regime are going to try to force a federal vaccine passport on us very soon. They’ve got to keep their COVID quackery in place through 2022, so they can pull the same election shenanigans as they did last year.
What are we as free Americans to do about this? Well, we already have one good example of citizens defeating a tyrant mayor’s vaccine passports – in Russia, of all places.
You’ve probably heard of the Excelsior Pass, which is now mandatory in New York City thanks to Pothead Bill DeBlasio, the city’s mayor. Once a person is vaccinated, they can have their HIPAA rights and their constitutionally protected right to travel preserved by getting a QR code on their phone. If you don’t have a QR code, Pothead Bill won’t let you go to a restaurant or do lots of other stuff.
The Mayor of Moscow Russia, a guy named Sergei Sobyanin, thought that Pothead Bill’s commie QR code idea was just ducky. So, Sobyanin made vaccination QR code passports mandatory on the 1st of July this year. Mayor Sobyanin apparently doesn’t smoke as much pot as Pothead Bill, so his vaccine passport plan was actually less restrictive than Pothead Bill’s.
For example, if you’ve already had coronavirus, you are immune to it. You have better immunity than any vaccine can provide. So, Moscow citizens who have had coronavirus and recovered can get a QR code just like a vaccinated person can.
Just like in New York City, it suddenly became illegal for dirty unvaccinated second-class citizens to go certain places. Moscow residents were no longer allowed to eat at restaurants, get their hair cut, go to a movie theater, stay in a hotel, work out at a gym, have a beer at the tavern after work, or get their fingernails done at a nail salon. If they didn’t have a QR code, they were banned from participating in many aspects of the city’s economy.
Here’s how they crushed Mayor Sobyanin’s vaccine passport – and it was pretty simple. Moscow residents simply stopped frequenting any business that required a vaccine passport.
The really beautiful thing about this was that the vaccinated people stood in solidarity with the unvaccinated. Business trickled to near zero at all establishments where the vaccine passport was required.
Moscow residents let their hair grow out, skipped going to bars and restaurants, didn’t go to the movies, didn’t stay in hotels or do anything else that required a vaccine passport.
Business owners from all over the city were suddenly calling Mayor Sobyanin’s office to chew his ear off about the vaccine passports. They were going broke, and they were mad as hell about it.
Marina Zemskova, the head of a regional hotel and restaurant association in Russia, said the vaccine passport turned out to be worse for business than a full lockdown. At least if there was another lockdown, she notes, businesses “could count on some kind of government support measures.”
There’s no government support coming under a vaccine passport system. What the not-very-elite elites failed to anticipate about Moscow residents was they would simply not participate in the scam at all.
The business owners were so infuriated with the mayor that Sobyanin made a sudden, surprise announcement on July 19th that nobody needs to use a vaccine passport anymore. He made up a hilarious excuse, claiming that COVID case rates were all better suddenly, as the reason for lifting the QR code passports.
But everyone knew the truth. Moscow residents decided that their medical privacy and their right to travel is more important than whatever the people in charge were telling them. It was a massive case of civil disobedience – and they didn’t even have to go outside and set things on fire in a big protest. All they did was say, “Any business that wants to see a vaccine passport from me is not getting any of my money.”
That’s how you do it, Americans! Vaccine passports are the new Jim Crow, and we don’t have to take it. Want to beat the CoronaTyrants at their own game? Just do like the Russians did. Refuse to participate in the Fauci/Biden mandates.
Unfortunate that the unvaccinated continue to be singled out amidst pandemic
By Dr Ho Ting Fei
As Singapore moves forward to allow those vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus to resume normal life and activities, it is also timely that two individuals gave voice to the unvaccinated by telling us their side of the story (Divergent lives from tomorrow for the vaccinated and unvaccinated. ST 9 Aug).
It is unfortunate that the unvaccinated continue to be singled out for finger-pointing and negative remarks; even being blatantly called “laggards” in a derogatory manner. More unfortunately, the people who use such language and words are professionals and academics.
Besides the two persons above there are many more unvaccinated people with legitimate reasons for their decision towards vaccination. I can safely say that these people are not irresponsible and certainly not illiterate, ignorant or laggards. They too want to be protected from the Covid-19 virus; they too do not want to be seriously ill and lying in an intensive care unit. They want to receive a vaccine that is safe and with minimal side effects. Is this too much to ask for?
Do we care to patiently listen and give these unvaccinated people space to voice their concerns and room to make a decision? Or are we too hasty to alienate them and even hold out a stick to penalize them?
We continue to read in the media that the unvaccinated are irresponsible. They are at much higher risk of infecting others and hence lead to an upsurge of cases. They may also spread the infection to vaccinated persons who are at risk. The underlying implication is obvious. When new infections occur or a new wave of infections arises or when restrictions have to be implemented once again, blame these on the unvaccinated individuals.
Are such assumptions well-founded? There is an unprecedented rise in medical reports and publications on Covid-19. Many of these are complex and multidisciplinary. Hence it is highly possible that, in trying to understand the conclusions in these publications, the less informed may miss out flaws and inaccuracies.
With majority of the population now vaccinated, the proof of whether the vaccinated are truly much less infectious to others and less likely to be infected will not take long to become obvious. Till then, let us be more discerning, more socially and morally sensitive by not regarding the unvaccinated as laggards or, worse still, as outcasts.
Sinkies are now being enticed with cheapskate $30 HPB e-vouchers to convince unvaxxed seniors to get jabbed!
House of Seafood chut pattern to circumvent dining-in ban for unvaxxed Sinkies kym?
EDMWer buay song Ya Kun staff not willing to close their eyes and let an unvaxxed elderly couple to eat onsite.......
PSA: FoodFare & Kopitiam food courts permit ONLY 2 fully vaxxed patrons to dine together
From Law Prof David Clements
The following is the text of an email I sent to higher administration awnd my Dean:
"The purpose of this email is to notify you that I will not be appearing at the Fall Convocation next week to collect the prestigious “Patricia Christmore Teaching Excellence Award.” While it was an honor to be recognized by my colleagues as the award recipient for the College of Business, I cannot in good conscience participate in a ceremony that further cements or perpetuates false narratives.
As you are aware, NMSU has recently mandated that faculty and students must take an experimental drug vaccine or else be subjected to weekly invasive testing.
I was honored with the award, I think, because my students appreciate that I cultivate in them an ability to think critically.
The convocation ceremony, however, is bereft of critical thinking. We are told to “celebrate” our achievement by refraining from shaking hands, doing fist or elbow bumps, all while continuing to wear restrictive masks. Instead of my family enjoying the moment, they must be muzzled. The award winners receive 1 minute to breathe the fresh air and deliver remarks. This does not represent a “celebration,” but rather an event rooted in fear and arbitrary compliance.
Here are some facts to consider.
The former Pfizer chief recently stated: “Children are 50x more likely to die from the Covid Vaccine than the virus.” Yet, we are putting our student population at risk with the above mandate, and we aren’t taking responsibility for that decision.
The Moderna vaccine packaging has virtually no instructions concerning the safety of the vaccine, because the risks are largely unknown. This is a violation of the Hippocratic oath and the requirement to provide informed consent.
According to the VAERS website, over 11,940 deaths have been reported, 518,769 adverse events, 12,808 persons have been left permanently disabled, 22,286 have reported severe allergic reactions, 1,272 young women have suffered miscarriages, and 4,799 persons have suffered heart attacks. 62% of patients had elevated D-Dimer levels 4 to 7 days after the “vaccine.” Elevated D-dimer levels are usually found after a clot has been formed.
To put this into context, after there were only 32 deaths from the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976, the FDA halted the program. And yet we are mandating a non-approved FDA experimental drug?
All of this imposed risk is being passed off to faculty and students when Covid has a 99.8% survivability rate.
Is the university going to be held responsible for the students’ medical bills, life insurance, or other complications?
Finally, the mask mandate. The science is clear. States that have not locked down or imposed mask mandates, have fared better than those that have.
By “celebrating” at a convocation in a manner that defies the above “science” we are perpetuating a lie that is antithetical to individual liberty, free thought, and bodily automony.
I am a free thinker, not a slave. I will create an environment for free thinkers, not slaves.
I hope the university is ready for the storm it is creating.
History will not judge those who are simply going along with this madness kindly.
Best regards,
David K. Clements
Assistant Professor of Law
New Mexico State University
College of Business
Finance Department
Variants could be named after star constellations when Greek alphabet runs out, says WHO Covid chief
Fully-vaccinated protesters in Italy are burning their vaccine passes in a powerful display of solidarity against the tying of civil liberties to vaccination status.
Regardless of race, language, religion, BUT NOT VACCINATION STATUS. A big fat thank you to the PAP for tearing apart us Sinkies. Anyways, happy 56th birthday dear soon-to-be-divided Singapore!
Divergent lives from Tuesday for the vaccinated and unvaccinated in S'pore
SINGAPORE - As Singapore eases its strict rules on social gatherings starting on Tuesday (Aug 10), its population will begin living two divergent lives.
For the vaccinated, daily life will resume, allowing them to dine at restaurants and participate in indoor sports classes or large events.
Those who are not vaccinated - a much smaller group - will have to take Covid-19 tests for all such activities. Without these pre-event tests, they will have to limit themselves to dining in pairs at hawker centres or coffee shops, and keep to much smaller gatherings.
This approach is to protect the unvaccinated as the consequences of their contracting the virus can be much more severe, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Friday.
But the policy has proven contentious, with an online petition calling on the Government to drop such differentiated rules garnering more than 10,000 signatures since it was started two weeks ago.
Some members of the public have lambasted the rules as an act of discrimination, while others expressed discomfort with the way they had been communicated.
"You can look at it as protecting the unvaccinated, or as a big stick to punish them for declining the vaccine," Mr Peter Heng, a 41-year-old lawyer, told The Straits Times. "The same measure could be perceived very differently by different groups of the public."
He is not vaccinated - partly because he is worried about potential serious side effects he may develop, but also because he believes in the primacy of personal choice.
Ms Macalia Fong, who has serious allergies to several drugs and has been advised by a specialist doctor to hold back on getting jabbed, added that many restaurants have already told her they will not accept unvaccinated customers - even though she is more than willing to pay for a test.
"It's not that I don't want to take the vaccine," said Ms Fong, who is in her 60s and works for a multinational firm. "I also want to protect myself. But under these circumstances, I cannot do that - I will put myself at risk."
What impact can such differentiated policies have on society?
Such policies can be divisive if people who stand to lose feel that they are being unjustly penalised, said National University of Singapore sociologist Tan Ern Ser.
These could include those who are ineligible for vaccination, as well as those who have legitimate reasons to fear potential side effects despite official advice giving them the green light - for example, pregnant women, he added.
"After all, they and their spouse or partner... are the ones who have to be responsible for raising the child," Associate Professor Tan said. "However, I am less sympathetic towards those who perceive vaccination as a form of oppression."
He hoped that the calibrated rules would feel "more like a nudge" for those who are hesitant to get jabbed.
More at https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/divergent-lives-from-tuesday-for-the-vaccinated-and-unvaccinated-in-spore
Bigger problems loom on the horizon.....like SG set to become a delta variant hub come Aug 10!
The pappies don't seem to get it - the virus does not discriminate between the vaxxed and unvaxxed :(
Even the vaccinated aren't safe; in time to come the G will further discriminate between those who have and haven't taken a booster shot, just you wait and see.
Vaccine discrimination is the new racism.......sigh