Right now the biggest problem of all (to us) is PAP itself!!!
I am very much counting on TCB to displace Desmond Lee and gang from West Coast GRC 💪
Lawless Wong will surely play dirty by redrawing electoral boundaries there, chopping West Coast up for absorption into other GRCs/SMCs, mark my words
"Please vote for us so that we can continue to jiak liao bee, okay?"
I would very much prefer they go jiak 💩 instead
The ground ain't just against, it has soured completely against them.
Singaporeans are a gian png lot, just give out more Labubu dolls, ice cream, coffee and most importantly, CDC vouchers, and all will be swell again
For the sake of our future generations please VTO, arigato 🙏
That useless ex-paper admiral cum failed transport minister should really learn to shut his freaking trap. TUCK YEW Mr Lui!!!!!
Regardless, PAP will still sweep the polls because majority of Sinkies are daft, and there is no cure for daftness.
All is definitely not well with the People's Adultery Party
CSJ: "Make sure you send a clear, no-nonsense message to the PAP that our country cannot afford to continue with this insanity of raising the costs of living and making our lives so stressful."
"Please vote for us so that we can continue to jiak liao bee, okay?"
The ground ain't just against, it has soured completely against them.
Singaporeans are a gian png lot, just give out more Labubu dolls, ice cream, coffee and most importantly, CDC vouchers, and all will be swell again
For the sake of our future generations please VTO, arigato 🙏
That useless ex-paper admiral cum failed transport minister should really learn to shut his freaking trap. TUCK YEW Mr Lui!!!!!
Regardless, PAP will still sweep the polls because majority of Sinkies are daft, and there is no cure for daftness.
All is definitely not well with the People's Adultery Party