Fact: Except for a handful of PAP elites, nobody knows where our CPF monies are invested.
The PAP government has repeatedly told Singaporeans a half truth: CPF is invested in special Singapore government bonds.
But if PAP had any intention of investing on behalf of ordinary Singaporeans to ensure retirement funding adequacy, CPF monies would have been invested in different classes of assets, eg equities, inflation indexed bonds, real estate, private equity, etc.
Instead, PAP simply legislated CPF monies as cheap loans to the government.
To complete the wayang, all who have been entrusted with the responsibility of jaga-ing our CPF (also part of reserves) are PAP appointees.

Our CPF retirement savings need not continue to be cheap loans to the government and could earn higher returns, similar to Malaysia’s EPF with average annual 6% returns for more than 3 decades.
Before this can happen, all PAP appointees need to be removed. But how?
Thinking Singaporeans should by now be aware that there’s only one course of action to take. 😉
Those ministars voted into ParliaLEEment are mostly wankers who will do the bidding of their master and keep extremely quiet to ensure they continue to enjoy million dollar salaries year after year.