CONTRIBUTIONS (AS OF 24 OCT 2018, 10PM): $65,196
We are facing two civil law suits in the High Court. One suit is being brought by Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC), directed by an Independent Panel (Philip Jeyaretnam S.C., N. Sreenivasan S.C. and Ong Pang Thye) appointed under the Town Councils Act. The other suit is brought by Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council (PRPTC).
Both suits allege that we and two other town councillors failed in our duties managing AHTC, and are liable to pay monies to AHTC and PRPTC. The total sum claimed against us is potentially more than $30 million, even though we are not accused of receiving any of these monies personally.
The claims against us are unfounded. We have acted in good faith, and did what we believed to be in the best interests of our residents and the Town Council. We have mounted rigorous defences in the two suits, and engaged a legal team from M/s Tan Rajah & Cheah.
We will fight the claims vigorously. If we lose the suits and are adjudged to pay large sums of money, and are unable to pay, we would face bankruptcy.
Since the suits commenced, the three of us have funded the legal expenses, using our personal savings and contributions from friends. We have not used any funds from the Workers’ Party. The total we have paid to our own lawyers to date is close to $600,000, covering the work done before the trial. The costs incurred so far have depleted our personal resources.
We need financial resources to fight the legal battle and to deal with the prospect of being made a bankrupt.
We now appeal to the public for financial support.
Thank you for your support. Every contribution, large and small, counts.
Contributions can be made in the following ways:
• PayNow to +65 9852 5901 (Sylvia’s public line) • Internet fund transfer to UOB account no. 396 309 388 6 • Cheque made payable to any one of us: Lim Swee Lian Sylvia Low Thia Khiang Pritam Singh
Mail to “My Mail Box 882560 Singapore 919191”
If it is convenient, please include your email address so that we can thank you.
If you would like to meet any of us in person, or if you have any questions, please email us at ingoodfaithsg@gmail.com
Your support is much appreciated.
Thank you from us three!
PAP IB working overtime.......
What are the odds of Davinder Singh even losing? You tell me.
Very soon a law will be passed to impose conditions on public fund raising, perhaps even ban it altogether.
Now that sufficient funds have been raised, I hope SC Cheva will put up a good show.
PAP should be very, very afraid.
6000 donors responded and donated 1 million dollars in merely two days.....
Even PAP's biggest wayang show, the annual televised to 3.5 million gong kias around the island, the President's Star Charity failed to garner similar ferocity and passion......they even had to enlist the help of big guns including Keppel, Sheng Siong and others to beef up the numbers.
So much for the siren call of HaLEEmah which failed to lure many a sinkies to the seas and their watery demise.
Not to mention this plea was not televised on local TV, only on social media and wasn't advertised aggressively for many weeks beforehand.....
Extremely saddening to know how the monkeys in white are viciously smoldering Sinkies yearning to breathe free-the tired,the poor and the huddled masses.....if mass protest wasn't illegal I'd bet 6000 souls will be marching to the capitol now, correction the parliament demanding that Sylvia Lim and the others be set free amidst songs of solidarity being sung proud and loud.....not the NTUC solidarity song mind you, but the Taiwanese version....
Workers' Party MPs raise $1 million to fight lawsuits, close appeal for funding
The three Workers’ Party (WP) Members of Parliament embroiled in lawsuits filed by two town councils have raised more than $1 million within three days after making a public appeal for financial help.
According to their “In Good Faith” blog, WP secretary-general Pritam Singh, chairman Sylvia Lim, and former party chief Low Thia Khiang have received $1008,802 since they launched their appeal on Wednesday. The trio closed the appeal for funding at 10am on Saturday (27 October).
In a joint statement, they said, “We are very touched by the incredible outpouring of support from the public for the appeal that we launched barely three days ago. The amount raised has crossed a million dollars.
“We are closing the appeal for now, as the amount raised substantially covers the legal fees required at this point in time. We would like to ask you to hold your contributions if you have not transferred them. We will provide updates here on how the funds are used. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The financial support is crucial but the moral support you have given us is incalculable.”
Appeal for financial help
In an earlier blog post, the WP MPs made a plea for monetary contributions to help fight the cases brought against them by the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council (AHTC) and the Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council (PRPTC).
Low, Lim and Singh – along with two other town councillors – have been accused by AHTC and PRPTC of breaching their fiduciary duties and making improper payments to their then managing agent between 15 July 2011 and 14 July 2015.
AHTC was formed after the WP won Aljunied GRC and Hougang SMC in the 2011 general elections (GE). In the January 2013 by-election, the WP won Punggol East SMC and the latter joined AHTC, which became known as AHPETC. But WP lost Punggol East in the 2015 GE and Punggol East became part of PRPTC, while AHPETC reverted to AHTC.
Party funds not used for legal fees
The trio said in the same post that they had paid close to $600,000 in to their lawyers for work done before the start of the trial and that these costs have “depleted our personal resources”.
They also noted that they have not used any WP funds in their legal battle that the total sum claimed against them is “potentially more than $30 million”.
“We will fight the claims vigorously. If we lose the suits and are adjudged to pay large sums of money, and are unable to pay, we would face bankruptcy,” they said in the post.
I just donated $100.
Can I donate my $300 SG bonus to them?
" Every contribution, large and small, counts."
We are really sorry if our dishes served do not meet your expectations, we will work on it....sound familiar?
People's Adultery Party must be praying real hard that Ah Lim, Ah Low and Ah Singh all go bankrupt soon so they can rule on forever!