Song Joong Ki has officially filed for divorce from Song Hye Kyo.
On June 27, Song Joong Ki’s attorney Park Jae Hyun officially announced, “Our law firm filed for divorce on behalf of Song Joong Ki at the Seoul Family Court on June 26. Additionally, we would like to convey Song Joong Ki’s official statement.”
In his statement, Song Joong Ki apologized to his fans and explained that he hoped for an amicable divorce.
The actor’s full statement is as follows:
Hello. This is Song Joong Ki.
First, I’d like to apologize for delivering this unfortunate news to the many fans who love and care for me.
I have begun the process of filing for divorce from Song Hye Kyo.
Rather than denouncing one another and arguing over who is to blame, I hope that the divorce process can be wrapped up amicably. I ask for your understanding in regards to the fact that it is difficult to discuss the details of my personal life, and I will recover from my current wounds and do my utmost as an actor to repay you through great productions in the future.
Thank you.
Song Joong Ki and Song Hye Kyo married in October 2017 after starring together in the hit drama “Descendants of the Sun.”
Common lah, now Fan Bing Bin and Li Chen also break up!
#宋慧乔宋仲基离婚# 据韩媒27日消息,宋仲基与宋慧乔正在进行离婚调解程序,随后宋仲基方发表官方立场,称双方不希望互相指责,未来会以演员的身份全力投入到作品活动中。回顾两人过去情路,从荧屏情侣牵手现实,他们的爱情故事曾让无数人羡慕。
1、2016年,二人合作的《太阳的后裔》热播,随后传出恋情绯闻; 2、2016年6月,宋仲基亚洲粉丝见面会成都站邀请宋慧乔,二人同场互动甜; 3、2016年8月,宋慧乔为宋仲基主演电影《军舰岛》应援,二人发糖; 4、2017年6月,双宋被曝被曝共游巴厘岛住同间饭店,双方经纪公司出面否认; 5、2017年7月5日,宋仲基与宋慧乔双方共同发表婚讯,宣布将于10月31日结婚。 6、2017年10月31日,二人在首尔举办婚礼; 7、2017年11月5日,双宋前往西班牙度蜜月,多次被网友偶遇; 8、2017年12月10日,宋仲基宋慧乔婚后首度合体,现身IU演唱会。 9、2018年1月,宋仲基出席某颁奖礼,被问与宋慧乔的新婚生活,他羞答:“本来一起来会更好的,但因为她有别的行程,所以老公代替她来了。” 10、2018年7月,网友偶遇双宋夫妇美国参加友人婚礼; 11、此后,宋慧乔就被曝与宋仲基情变离婚 ,乔妹个人社交平台头像更换,并删除了一些照片,两人没带婚戒现身引发热议。 12、2019年2月,双方曾否认离婚传言,称“报道内容不实,我们之后不会再单独回应”。 13、2019年3月,网曝宋仲基出轨宋慧乔化妆师兼闺蜜,随后宋慧乔晒出与化妆师的旅行照否认此传闻。 14、6月27日,宋仲基宋慧乔申请离婚。
Song-Song couple piak piak not song song gao Jurong so divorce?
Looks like there's hope for Jerry Yan to get back with his ex...........Lin Chiling's wedding will probably suffer the same tragic ending after that Jap guy gets tired of ravaging her cunt.
Song Hye-Kyo Makes Statement On Divorce From Song Joong-Ki
Just minutes after South Korean actor Song Joong-ki announced his divorce, actress Song Hye-kyo has released a statement, through her agency, to explain the situation.
A representative from United Artists Agency—the actress' management company—confirmed the news, "After careful consideration, actress Song Hye-kyo and her husband are taking the first steps toward a divorce."
Giving the actress' reason for the divorce, the agency said, "The reason is differences in personality, and because the two were unable to overcome their differences, they were forced to come to this decision."
Further comments on the current situation were not revealed.
As earlier reported, the Descendants of the Sun actor gave his divorce announcement through a legal representative.
"I have begun the process of filing for divorce from Song Hye-kyo," he said in the statement.
He also expressed his wish to conclude the divorce "amicably" and did not want to "[denounce] one another and [argue] over who is to blame."
Similarly, the actress' agency requested that the public and media "refrain from making scandalous posts and speculative comments".
The Song-Song couple were wed in October 2017 in a cosy wedding for 300 guests in Seoul. They met while shooting the 2016 hit television drama Descendants of the Sun.
Wow all over in less than 2 years.......... Song Hye Kyo's pussy too loose for the toy boy's liking?