Ah, children’s programming. It’s such lighthearted, feel-good programming that you might not think there’s anything in it for adults. Well, if your youngsters are fans of Maya The Bee, you might catch a glimpse of something you weren’t expecting. Namely, a big ol’ penis.

The episode’s title, which may or may not be an amazing coincidence, is “King Willi,” so either the animators were having a bit bored fun, or someone snuck a dingus in when nobody else was looking. Whatever the case, Maya The Bee has some explaining to do.
Maya the Bee looks set to be the most watched kiddie's porn on Netflix. I meant kiddie's show.
Reminds me of this awesome scene from Fight Club:
Narrator: Let me tell you a little bit about Tyler Durden. Tyler was a night person. While the rest of us were sleeping, he worked. He had one part time job as a projectionist. See, a movie doesn't come all on one big reel. It comes on a few. So someone has to be there to switch the projectors at the exact moment that one reel ends and the next one begins. If you look for it, you can see these little dots come into the upper right-hand corner of the screen. [In the background, Tyler points to the corner of the screen as one such mark briefly appears.]
Tyler Durden: In the industry, we call them cigarette burns.
Narrator: That's the cue for a changeover. He flips the projectors, the movie keeps right on going, and nobody in the audience has any idea.
Tyler Durden: And why would anyone want this shit job?
Narrator: Because it affords him other interesting opportunities. Tyler Durden: Like splicing single frames of pornography into family films.
Narrator: So when the snooty cat and the courageous dog with the celebrity voices meet for the first time in reel three, that's when you'll catch a flash of Tyler's contribution to the film.
[As the audience is watching the film, pornography flashes for a split second]
Narrator: Nobody knows that they saw it, but they did.
Tyler Durden: A nice, big cock … [Several audience members look rattled, a little girl cries]
Narrator: Even a hummingbird couldn't catch Tyler at work.