HYY looks better with long hair, that pixie haircut doesn't really suit her
No matter how dua a chiobu a woman is, once she hits the big 3-0, things will only go downhill from there. And rapidly too. Just take it from SNSD; Biology is an inescapable bitch all right.
I must say she bears a certain resemblance to 篠崎泫
I still have no fucking idea what Steigen is after viewing the clip.
My humble contribution to the thread :)
Bumping thread with new photos of the immaculate 女神!!!!!
Not bad......
Here's her jiving to "More than a Woman" with Fang Rong:
She has also taken up Thai boxing in preparation for her latest TV role:
何盈莹 He Yingying 何盈莹 参演的新剧《黄金巨塔》再次饰演姚彣隆的女儿,对于再次合作同样饰演父女,但何盈莹表示感觉并不一样,她说:“在《左邻右里》的家庭是比较健康的,可是在《黄》里会有不同的事情发生在这对父女的身上,这部剧是爸爸比较靠女儿。
She can box me left, box me right or even box me in anytime!
Looks like someone is making the smart move of pivoting to becoming a sugar baby, and posting her "resume" on IG. ;)
Buy Kinohimitsu's Imperial Ginseng Bird's Nest, and you can get her for free.
He Ying Ying is merely a tad above average in the looks department. You want divine, look no further than Miss 杨紫.
I want to kino her chitsu!
Ying Ying I love you!!!!! Marry me please!!!!!!
And the pervert brigade comes trooping along to ogle and salivate.
Really is 淫淫 siol
Hmm is the guy seated behind her trying to conceal his erection?
Kaoz that's a seriously nice cleavage....always thought she was flat chested.
Happy 30th birthday to her!!!🎂
Check out her new Steigen ad:
My humble contribution to the thread :)
Bumping thread with new photos of the immaculate 女神!!!!!
Here's her jiving to "More than a Woman" with Fang Rong:
HYY sports new look kym?
HYY describes her ideal man:
OH MY LOVE.......
Ying Ying I love you!!!!! Marry me please!!!!!!
And the pervert brigade comes trooping along to ogle and salivate.
Really is 淫淫 siol
Hmm is the guy seated behind her trying to conceal his erection?
Kaoz that's a seriously nice cleavage....always thought she was flat chested.