本地电子产品零售商Newstead科技(Newstead Technologies)清盘,拖欠的债务超过6000万元。
据《海峡时报》报道,Newstead科技正进行清盘,目前最后两间位于实龙岗NEX购物中心和裕廊坊的分店也将在本月底结束营业。 据报道,该公司的债主有多达170个,欠下的债务超过6000万元,包括欠员工的160万酬劳,及欠苹果(南亚)公司的470万元。
被委任为清盘人的是Acres Advisory,负责人受访时证实上述债务款项,并指公司能偿还多少债务,必须看公司能从资产中取回多少。
Hwah looks worse than I thought.......got firesale or not?
Yep, Newstead @ NEX is in complete disarray, empty shelves and boxes seen strewn everywhere.
Never heard of Newstead until now. Oh well.
From the get go Newstead was a fucking con job, selling overpriced junk to less discerning folks. SO BURN IN HELL NEWSTEAD.
Darn surprised they lasted nearly two decades. This company fucked up big time for too long, hiring Malaysian salespersons who typically did nothing but hung around on the shop premises and tcss until it was time to knock off. A while back quizzed one of them about laptop specs and stuff, dude apparently knew shit.
So happy Newstead folded. YAY!!!!!!
Heard the outlet at NEX will remain open till the end of this month?
Anyways 19 years was a good run, probably done in by high rentals. RIP Newstead.