According to the post, an employee of “Chinese nationality dropped some dumplings on the floor, picked them up, and placed them back into the Tupperware box together with the rest”

Singapore – A member of the public witnessed an “irresponsible hawker” employee who dropped some dumplings on the floor and placed them back with the others. When the witness tried to call out the employee for her actions, he got a scolding.
On July 17 (Wednesday), Facebook user Neb Mil SE posted a scene he encountered from a “Friends by Pontian” outlet at Block 682 Hougang Coffeeshop.
“Please help to share to let your friends and relatives avoid patronising this irresponsible hawker at Blk 682 Hougang Coffeeshop,” wrote Neb Mil SE.
According to the post, an employee of “Chinese nationality dropped some dumplings on the floor, picked them up, and placed them back into the Tupperware box together with the rest.”
The member of the public tried to “reprimand” the employee for her actions, however she allegedly replied with: “Who the hell will dispose of an entire box of dumplings just because of a few dirtied pieces?”
Neb Mil SE tried once more to get the lady to dispose of the contents of the container to no avail.
“She started shouting at me, insisting it was none of my business, and that she will dispose of (the dumplings) when she is free,” wrote Neb Mil SE.
“Such an irresponsible idiot might cause someone to suffer severe food poisoning if not punished!” added the concerned citizen. In an update via a comment on the post, Neb Mil SE wrote that the box of dumplings was still on the table when he left, and it would likely be served to unknowing customers.
He also mentioned that he contacted their head office who promised to investigate the incident.
Friends by Pontian is a franchise that has been operating for 60 years and counting, in different countries.
It would seem that this was not the first time that the franchise had been called out for neglecting food safety standards.
Netizens shared their experience with different outlets of Friends by Pontian such as a certain Ms Wendy Choo.
Ms Choo said that her mom ate at a Pontian outlet in Kovan Market Centre. “My mum found a strand of hair in her noodles, and she asked them what that was.”
“They denied everything,” said Ms Choo. “Until we said we will call NEA. Then they threw away the noodles.
Ate once at their Bedok interchange stall, food tasted absolutely like shit.
Pontian Wanton Noodles investigating employee who allegedly kept dumplings that fell on the floor
Absolutely disgusting, NEA should investigate this matter immediately.
Why censor her face in the photograph? Should shame the bitch proper!!!!!!
You can take the tiong out of China, but you can never take China out of the tiong.